
Since special interfacing between different systems and cross-system graphical user interfaces are often desirable, IOLAN is able to use standard products to achieve solutions quickly and at low cost. Examples are dedicated graphical support of fire alarm systems, forwarding to mobile devices, control of a video wall, etc.; and within the special field of identification systems, dedicated applications for contactless user ID chip cards (smartcards) such as subscriptions, biometrics, ticketing, etc.

Related References

Source: DJI NL

Judicial institutions

IOLAN has been involved in the security of judicial institutions for well over 20 years. Its systems are in use in many office buildings and the institutions themselves for the assurance of security.

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A wide range of institutions and companies specialized in areas of their own now use IOLAN products and services.

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industry 45


Since the IOLAN I/O modules satisfy strict performance and security requirements, they are frequently used in industry.

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Feel free to contact us and we will gladly come up with a solution that fits more than perfectly with what you do and want to secure.

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