IOLAN Badge intake and return console
Within companies and institutions where visitors use access and / or visitor passes, collection at the end of the visit is a challenge. Often the card and possibly badge holder, with lanyard or reel, is (unintentionally) taken by these visitors.

The IOLAN Badge intake and return console can be used within an IOLAN system or a third-party system to prevent unwanted taking of the access card. The card reader is built into a stainless steel console as standard and can therefore be used in an indoor environment.

Unique to the newest generation IOLAN intake reader is that in addition to badge holder and carrying ribbons, belt reels (yo-yos) can also be collected. The unit can also be used with the Rijkspas because the MIFARE®Classic, DESFire® technology is used to read the access and / or visitor passes. Furthermore, the intake reader can directly control the door, security gate or turnstile. In IOLAN Sphere, the user simply registers visitors, prints visitor badges and / or creates accurate ad-hoc reports.
Feel free to contact us and we will gladly come up with a solution that fits more than perfectly with what you do and want to secure.